Peripheral Visions Suite - 8" x 10" paintings

Peripheral Visions- An ongoing series of small works that address the sensation of moving briskly through the landscape, capturing fragmentary views that vanish in an instant.

1- Onset of Autumn IMG_9438crop copy.jpg
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1- Onset of Autumn

2- The Trees are on Fire RedTreesOCA_side copy.jpg
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2- The Trees are on Fire

3- Blue Shadow Profile BlueShadowProfileSide.jpg

3- Blue Shadow Profile

4- Color Blocks ColorBlock_side.jpg

4- Color Blocks

5- Blue Triangle BlueTriangle_side.jpg

5- Blue Triangle

6- Patches of Light IMG_9425crop copy.jpg

6- Patches of Light

7- Scott's House ScottsHouse_side.jpg

7- Scott's House

8- That Blue BlueHouse_side.jpg

8- That Blue
